Saturday 3 April 2010

NPWM: from Phèdre

Madame, before you go:
I know that you have wished to have a different life.
My father lives no more: it is as I suspected;
Only cruel death, extinguishing his light
Could keep it hidden from our eyes for such a time.
Atropos at last has cut the living thread
Of Hercules’s friend and partner and successor.
I know that in your hatred, which cares not for his virtues,
You hear without regret these names I give to Theseus.
One hope there is that tempers my sadness and bereavement.
Now I can lift from you the cruel interdiction
Placed on you by my father: long have I deplored it.
You shall be sovereign over your life, over your heart,
And in this land of Troezen, the land of Pittheus
My ancestor, the rule of which comes now to me,
Whose people with one voice acclaim me as their king,
I will make you as free and freer than myself.

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